James Cockburn

James is an award winning artist, educated at St Martin's School of Art, where he studied painting and won a Travel Scholarship to South America from the Royal Academy. He has exhibited his work internationally, with one man show's In Egypt, Australia, Singapore, Spain, Mallorca and France as well as, many times, in the UK. He took up ceramics in 1980 after reading A Potter's Book by Bernard Leach. He now exhibits his paintings, drawings and ceramics together.

James' drawings are made with sticks, indian ink and brush. He uses sticks to draw with as the end result is more lively and unexpected. These spontaneous works are invariably begun on the spot.

His latest paintings are all inspired by the seen world. People often remark that his paintings look better than the original from which you may think him to be a romantic idealising ordinary places, whereas he is usually enraptured by his subjects and taking these as a means for expressing his love of the natural and the man-made world and the places where they interact.



Alex Boardman


Unity Coombes